General anaesthetic

Most people are familiar with general anaesthesia which is used in a range of treatments in both medicine and dentistry. It is administered to people who for a variety of reasons, are unable to have sedation or are about to undergo a complex procedure.

Children and teenagers often have a general anaesthetic for a dental procedure as this can ensure that the procedure passes without a hitch.

It is also an option for people with a dental phobia.

What is a general anaesthetic?

This is a type of drug which when administered, renders the patient unconscious. This means that they are totally unaware of their surroundings and do not remember anything about their procedure. It is designed as a form of pain relief.

Alternatives to this are a local anaesthetic and sedation dentistry.

General anaesthesia was a common feature of dental treatment many years ago but is rarely used today. There are several reasons for that which includes a small risk of complications.

But general anaesthesia is very safe and is administered under tightly controlled conditions by a qualified anaesthetist.

If you are advised to have a general anaesthetic then this will be carried out in hospital. This means an overnight stay so make arrangements for someone to drive you to and from the hospital and keep an eye on you afterwards.

Effects of a general anaesthetic

This type of anaesthetic means being asleep throughout your treatment and being unable to feel pain or any other sensations. You will also be unable to remember anything about your treatment.

Some people experience a range of symptoms after a general anaesthetic which includes a feeling of nausea, tiredness, dizziness and feeling cold. But these disappear after a period of time.

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